October 30, 2009

KIRKSVILLE MULTISPORT race gear has arrived!

It was like Christmas at the KIRKSVILLE MULTISPORT office yesterday when UPS delivered our race gear package. We ripped it open eagerly to see all our stuff! Here's a quick look of the race gear being unpacked.

Allen Goans holds up one of the many race gear items.  Another gracious thank you to all the sponsors who believe in KIRKSVILLE MULTISPORT and the multisport lifestyle. 


Here are a few of the dedicated KIRKSVILLE MULTISPORT runners. They broke in their race gear at the Thursday Night Run.

(Meg, Nikki, Royce, Bob, Janis and Allen)

We did order a few extras of certain items, so if you're interested, please contact Allen to see what's available.  We'll be ordering again in the next few months... so if we don't have your size, we can order it next time.

Happy Halloween!